Moons of Eeloo Mod

Moons of Eeloo Mod


Moons of Eeloo Mod:

I hate to say it, but Eeloo looks pretty... boring. And seeing as it is (most of the time) the farthest planet from Kerbin I've never felt the urge to actually visit it. I made this mod to make Eeloo a lot more interesting, by adding 3 new moons and an atmosphere to Eeloo.

Alu: Alu is a Charon analogue. It's radius is half that of Eeloo's, and with the Sigma Binary mod installed they function as a proper binary system. It has a very crated surface with large areas of snow and ice - likely frozen nitrogen.


Beros: Beros is a captured asteroid in orbit around Eeloo-Alu. It's surface is dented and cratered from the impacts it sustained while ariving in the Eeloo system, likely knocking out previous moons which had been in orbit around the dwarf planet.


Kyx: Kyx is a tiny Gilly-like moon around Eeloo-Alu. For now it's a lumpy, colourful space rock. I hope to make it more interesting in the future.
