


MouseCursorChanger is a plugin that allows customizing the game mouse cursor easily.

Current Features

  • Create your own cursor using PNG format: You can create your own cursor by creating a PNG file and saving it in the game folder
  • Create 4 different cursors and use them
  • Name your cursor: Add a name to your cursor for easy selecting
  • Hotspot system : set the coordinates of your PNG file you want to define as the hotspot of your cursor
  • Set a different cursor on left or right click
  • Choose between your 4 cursors using a window that can be opened ingame by pressing Alt + M
  • Use built-in cursors included in the mod
  • Disable cursor customization to use the default Windows/Mac/Linux cursor.

Planned Features

  • Add more cursors
  • Easiest way for other modders to use MouseCursorChanger in their own plugins
  • Enable/disable different cursors on click for stock cursor and modded cursors

Documentation for cursor customization here !