Music Melomania Mod

Music Melomania Mod


Red Staper's Music Melomania Mod (RSMMM) is an add-on for Soundtrack Editor/Forked that adds 169 stock-alike music and 57 ambient sounds in order to further enhance and add a bit of groove to your Kerbal Space Program experience. All tracks are instrumental, some are whimsical, some are loungy...all approved by the Kerbin Instrumental Sound Society (KISS).

Reggae/Dub, Funk, Jazz, Disco, World, Classic Guitar, Latin/Brazilian, Blues, Mellow Rock, Loungy Stand up Bass Types, Groovy Space Rock, Futuristic Modern Spacey Stuff, Chilling in Space Ambiances, 1960s Star Trek TV Series sound-alikes, and a splash of Austin Powers-ish cutscene music to keep your Kerbals (or you) from going daft on long missions.

RSMMM Forum:

Soundtrack Editor Forked Forum (dependency, must install 1st):

RSMMM source: GitHub


  1. You need to have Soundtrack Editor Forked already installed in your root KSP folder as per instructions for that mod.
  2. Extract the entire contents of this zip to the KSP root folder, merging the Licenses, Music, and Playlists folders with the existing folders (RSMMM will not overwrite anything in these  folders unless you have installed an earlier version of this mod).
  3. Open the Playlists folder, make a backup/rename your current playlists.cfg file and rename RS playlist.cfg to playlist.cfg. 
  4. Launch KSP and enjoy the new instrumental and ambient tracks!  

Change Log:

v.3.0 (2020-02-12) 

  •   Updated text/links for Soundtrack Editor Forked

v3.0 (2019-6-4) 

  •    New: 43 Music (various artists), 8 Ambient tracks
  •    Simplified installation instructions
  •    Normalized several music tracks (old and new)
  •    Realigned some of the playlists
    • No more airplanes, etc. during launches/takeoffs
    • Less duplication of music tracks between buildings
    • Removed super annoying 'Construction02' from the VAB/SPH

v2.0 (2019-3-12)

  • New: 42 Music, 37 Ambient and 5 Special tracks
  • 8 New Playlists
    • Added Space Center Ambiance Morning playlist
    • Added Space Center Ambiance Evening playlist
    • Added Pre-Launch Morning playlist
    • Added Pre-Launch Evening playlist
    • Added Splashed playlist
    • Added DeadDay playlist (RSSpecial playlist.cfg only)
    • Added DayDeadLate playlist (RSSpecial playlist.cfg only)
    • Added DeadNight playlist (RSSpecial playlist.cfg only)
  • Cleaned up the Not Used folder
    • Removed 3 files from v1.1
    • Added 2 new sample files 
    • Changed 'anthousai-roosters' to 'day-roosters' and placed in Ambient folder
  • Created a Special folder (mostly for organizing RSSpecial playlists.cfg tracks)
  • Updated a few playlists for better scene/situation alignment

v1.1 (2019-02-11)

  • Updated Readme_Instructions.txt (added mod thread url)
  • Updated playlist.cfg for better scene/situation alignment
    • Removed 3 tracks from Research Center
    • Removed 2 tracks from Mission Control
    • Removed 1 track from VAB/SPH
    • Added 1/removed 1 track from Space

v1.0 (2019-02-08)

  • Initial release