Near Future Aeronautics

Near Future Aeronautics


This pack contains large and powerful aerospace parts, such as jet engines, intakes, and nacelles. It was preciously part of the MkIV Spaceplane system but has been split off. 

  • Large Multimode Engines: Big (2.5m), powerful RAPIER-like engines for your wildest spaceplane needs.
  • Large Jet Engines: Hefty 2.5m engines - turbofans and turbojets for big aircraft.
  • Advanced Propeller Engines: Super-efficient low speed propfans and turboprops.
  • Lift Fans: Designed specifically for efficient VTOL and available in many sizes, these engines can run on LiquidFuel and air, or be driven electrically for flight in oxygenless atmospheres.
  • Nuclear Jet Engines: Massive, rewarding engines that let you fly almost forever!
  • Large Nacelles and Intakes: Of course, 2.5m nacelles, engine pods, precoolers and advanced intakes to help out.