Nighthawk Aerospace Parts Pack

Nighthawk Aerospace Parts Pack


Update (2/9/2020): I've been regularly using this mod since I posted it. It works fine in 1.8.1.


  • Lithium batteries: lighter than stock batteries with more Electric Charge. Not very resistant to heat and impact.
  • Probe-sized Materials Bay: fits in tiny places.
  • Mini science box: also fits in tiny places.
  • Mk1 Cockpit Lite: lower weight, but easier to break.

Also included is a massively overpowered antenna for messing around in sandbox games. I intentionally set its price very high so it can't be easily used in career saves. To install, drag the contents of the Extras folder into GameData/Nighthawk.

This mod may work in versions older than 1.4.0, but do this at your own risk! I haven't tested with older versions.

All of the meshes and textures in this parts pack were made by Squad/Take Two Interactive.