Orbital Material Science

Orbital Material Science


Get more science from your space station

Change-log for older version: KSP-Forum

Parts and Usage

OMS-Wiki with information on parts, contracts and how to use them.

Combustion Experiments

  • Flame Extinguishment Experiment (FLEX): It's a good thing to learn how to put out a flame in microgravity before starting combustion experiments. You need a Material Science Lab with a CIR installed to run this experiment. Real Life Experiment
  • Cool Flames Investigation (CFI): Investigate the structure and dynamics of the cool flame mode of burning. You need a Material Science Lab with a CIR installed to run to run this experiment. It will be launched to the ISS in 2016. Real Life Experiment

Fluid Experiments

Microgravity Science Glovebox Experiments

  • Capillary Channel Flow Experiment (CCF): Increase the understanding of capillary flow in the absence of gravity. You need a MPL-600 with a MSGinstalled to run to run this experiment. Real Life Experiment
  • Capillary Flow Experiment(CFE): The Capillary Flow Experiment is a suite of fluid physics experiments that investigate capillary flows and flows of fluids in containers with complex geometries. You need a MPL-600 with a MSG installed to run to run this experiment. Real Life Experiment

3D Printer Experiments

  • Made in Space 1 (MIS-1): Print some test parts on space to demonstrate and test the capabilities of your printer. You need a Material Science Lab with a 3PR installed to run to run this experiment.
  • Made in Space 2 (MIS-2): Print some lab tool and return them for inspection to KSC. You need a Material Science Lab with a 3PR installed to run to run this experiment.
  • Made in Space 3 (MIS-3): Jebediah played with the object scanner in Wernher Von Kerman’s lab and send you some files to print on the 3D printer. You need a Material Science Lab with a 3PR installed to run to run this experiment.

Exposure Experiments

  • Material Exposure Experiment 1 + 2 (MEE-1 + MEE-2): expose sample to get science. You need a MEP-825 and a MSL-1000 or a MPL-600 to run those multi phase experiments.


  • Material Science Lab (MSL-1000): contains basic lab equipment and can house 3 experiment equipment racks. Crew capacity: 2. Minimal crew to run the lab: 1.
  • Multi Purpose Lab "Kolumbus" (MPL-600): contains basic lab equipment and can house lab equipment racks. Crew capacity: 2. Minimal crew to run the lab: 1.
  • Material Exposure Platform(MEP-825): has a plattform for material studies in space and a robotic arm for sample manipulation. The robotic arm can fail to fix it a Kerbal must go on a EVA to fix the arm. Crew capacity: 1. Minimal crew to run the lab: 0.


Lab equipment for MSL-1000:

  • Combustion Integrated Rack (CIR): for combustion experiments FLEX and CFI. Real Life CIR
  • Fluid Flow Rack (FFR): for fluid experiments PACE and CVB.
  • 3D Printer Rack (3PR): for 3d printing experiments MIS-1, MIS-2 and MIS-3.

Lab equipment for MPL-600:

  • Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG): for experiments CCF and CFE.

These experiment rack are transported in containers. Installing a rack in a lab will increase the mass of the lab and decrease the mass of the container.

Lab Equipment Container

Lab Equipment Container are used to transport lab equipment to a lab in space. Add the container in the VAB/SPH and choose the equipment you want to transport with the container. As soon the craft with the container is docked to the station with a corresponding you can install the lab equipment in the lab.

Experiment Storage Containers

You need experiment containers to bring the experiments to your lab and return them to Kerbin. Add a experiment container to the craft in the VAB/SPH and choose from the experiments that are available. Once the craft is docked to the station in orbit install the experiment in the lab and run it. As soon as the experiment is done move it to an empty experiment container and finalize it to get a science report. Then return the container to Kerbin to get the science points. You can move experiments from one experiment container to an other on the same craft. There are several experiment containers:

  • ESC-1 holds 1 experiment (1m part)
  • ESC-2 holds 2 experiments (2m part)
  • ESC-4 holds 4 experiments (2m part)
  • ESC US WEDGE wedge for Universal Storage, holds 1 experiments
  • ESC-3C Command capsule with SAS ans mono propellant for unmanned resupply ships, holds 3 experiments


  • micha: CLS configurations and bug fixes.
  • Hayoo: KSP Space Agency Logo
  • whiteout1911: StageRecovery support for contracts
  • The Yellow Dart: Nehemiah Engineering and Kerbal Life Science flag
  • chucksterock: pictures of the real CFE flight hardware
  • Sound effects from http://www.freesfx.co.uk/


  • micha
  • Sangrias
  • volkkeslate