Part Commander

Part Commander


Part Commander

Plugin for Kerbal Space Program (KSP). Access the right-click action menus from all parts on the current vessel in a single consolidated interface.

Copyright 2016, Sean McDougall



Copy the "PartCommander" folder and all its contents into your KSP/GameData folder.


1.1.1 - 2016/05/06

  • recompiled for KSP 1.1.2

1.1 - 2016/04/27

  • fixed and recompiled for KSP 1.1 - 2015/11/20

  • recompiled for KSP 1.0.5
  • fix a bug where hiding window with keyboard shortcut failed to release control lock - 2015/07/31

  • fixes a NRE that was showing up in the logs - 2015/07/18

  • bug fixes to hover logic and part highlighting - 2015/07/09

  • another hotfix to correct an issue with settings not being saved properly to the persistent config file - 2015/07/08

  • hotfix to correct an issue where the part list wouldn't always update when parts were destroyed

1.0.2 - 2015/07/08

  • added persistent PartCommander.cfg settings file which gets created under GameData/PartCommander
  • created new Settings window to manage this file
  • added optional support for blizzy78's Toolbar (
  • stock toolbar button can be disabled through the new Settings window
  • added hot key support for showing/hiding windows instead of using toolbar buttons. Default key combo is Mod + P.
    This can be changed through the Settings window (but be careful not to pick something that KSP already uses).
  • you can also disable the hot key altogether through Settings
  • added a setting to hide "unactionable" parts... those that just have display fields but no buttons or sliders.
  • made the tooltips more visible by setting a solid background colour
  • fixed some control locking issues when mousing over a window

1.0.1 - 2015/07/04

  • added .version file
  • fixed a bug that prevented the parts list from updating properly when using the filtering/sorting options
  • made the search field a toggleable option
  • added a toggleable category filter
  • added tooltips
  • made the scrollbar position persistent when moving back and forth between the main listing and a part

1.0.0 - 2015/07/02

  • more bug fixes
  • first official release