Persistent Trails

Persistent Trails


Document your epic journeys! Fly in formation! Race your friends! Paint the skies!


- Vessel geometry track replay. Optionally with physics colliders (so you can crash into the recorded vessels). Optionally with playback looping for continuous motion. Or with Fast-Forward.

- optional direcitonal markers

- "continue track" function allows to resume a previously recorded track

- add "log entry nodes" to a track to have georeferenced labels on your track

- fully customizable style

- Each track is stored in a separate file for easy sharing

This is a continuation of the original Persistent Trails mod (original thread here)
As per the MIT license, the license continues to be MIT.

Install Instructions:

  • Completely delete any previous installations of Persistent Trails from GameData before updating from a previous version.
  • As of V1.5 the install folder location has been changed. Please ensure you remove \GameData\PersistentTrails folder if you have one in your install.
    You can copy your craft and trails files from previous installs into the new install location.
  • Un-zip into your GameData folder.

Known Issues:

  • Sometimes spawned ghost/replay vessels are created orientated incorrectly. Returning to the Space Center and then back to flight mode is the current work-around.
  • Some animated parts spawn on ghost/replay vessels deployed.

For Support please visit the Forum page for this mod here.

Current Contributors (V1.3 above):
@JPLRepo - All codes changes, packaging, support.

Original Contributors (up to V 1.3):

