- Features:
- Capsule with it's own RCS, MonoPropellant Engines, Battery, KIS Storage Space and Mechjeb Module
- Extended Trunk with Decoupler module, KIS Storage Space, Monopropellant and Batteries
- 1x3.5 Solar Panels
- 1x3.5 Shrouded Solar Panels (Aerodynamic Shroud that Jettisons)
- PICA-X style Heat Shield that doesn't use bulky fairings
- Optional 2.5m version
- Planned Features:
- Compatibility with WindowShine
- Known Bugs /Issues:
- Shrouds for the Solar Panels don't appear in the VAB but are loaded upon launch
- Shrouds for the Solar Panels don't jettison on the first attempt / get caught on the Solar Panels colliders