Planitron Reloaded

Planitron Reloaded


What it does:
It lists all available Celestial Bodies and allows you to change Kerbins Environment (Gee/Atmo).
to the values of the selected body.
So right on the launchpad, you can make your vehicle behave as if it would be on an atmosphere less Minmus or on Duna.
That way you can easely test your return vehicles.

How does it work:
- Click the Button to open the Panel
- Click the desired Planet/Moon
- Profit
(The values can be reset anytime and the changes made are not persistent.)

none besides KSP 0.23+

How does it look?:

Does it work with (insert generic Plugin-/AddonName):
Most likely yes - I've tested it with 0.23, ARM, Real Solar System and Alternis Kerbol.
The Plugin does read out the Planetdefaults from the game and saves them in a config file for restore.
It will work with any Planet-Mod there is.
Even those who do not have a Planet Kerbin or more than one Sun.

Known issues:
(if you find any, report in the thread below)

The Original Forum Thread can be found here:

Have Fun..

Release Notes:
May 25th 2014 Version 0.3.7
- Fixed the bug where the planet does not reset after you've changed scenes
- Added the ability to create a restore point in case you lose some planet data
- Removed unneeded log spam
May 6th 2014 Version 0.3.6 - removed toolbar alltogether - added config file - button/window positions are saved - no more hardcoded values - everything is retrieved from the game at runtime - garantees compatibility with all planet mods - added some style stuff May 4th 2014 Version 0.3.2 Initial Release