PR-0 P.A.N.E. Fuel Tank

PR-0 P.A.N.E. Fuel Tank



The PR-0 P.A.N.E (Prototype Atypical Naphtha Experiment) is totally not a propane tank that the engineers repurposed for inexpensive use with rocket fuel and oxidizer. Completely unrelated to this, the Space Center BBQ has been canceled for undisclosed reasons.

This supplement tank must be attached to another fuel tank, hooked up with external fuel ducts, or have radially attached engines in order for fuel to flow properly!


To install, simply unzip the file and place the folder named "drivec" into your Kerbal Space Program's GameData folder (it'll be the one with a folder that says Squad in it).

To update from a previous PR-0 P.A.N.E. install, unzip the file and place the folder named "drivec" into your Kerbal Space Program's GameData folder. When asked if to replace or keep the previous/duplicate files, click replace.

Launch the game and you are ready to go!

Version Notes

Part Version 1.1
  • This part is designed to be a good early game alternative fuel tank while being a novelty, so numbers have shifted as such.
  • Cost has been reduced to 50 space bucks. The engineers are likely just pocketing this money for snacks as they have been reportedly "borrowing" propane tanks from the Astronaut Complex's BBQ. 
  • Weight has been reduced significantly to reflect a real-world "20 pound propane tank" at .01 tons. The engineers vehemently deny that this is even a propane tank at all, let alone a propane tank they found on the side of the road.
  • The maximum temperature has been greatly reduced to 1300 Kelvin. Due to budget cuts, the engineers may or may not have forgot to add extra shielding to this tank. You might be able to get PR0-P.A.N.E. into orbit, but it's probably not going to make it back down without exploding.
  • One of the scientists back in the lab made a discovery that fuel containers tend to explode less frequently if they are not filled beyond their maximum recommended capacity. Liquid fuel is now set to 45 and oxidizer is set to 55.
  • It explodes a lot easier at 5m/s. The engineers and scientists were shocked to find out that this inexpensive tank turns into a cloud of smoke if dropped from a height of 1.3 meters.
Other fixes
  • One engineer accidentally painted the tank kinda funny, so they sanded it down, got the finest lead-based paints, and retextured... erm... repainted it.
  • The engineers decided to re-acronym the part to Prototype Atypical Naphtha Experiment. The fumes from the leaky tank made it hard for them to come up with such a great acronym.

Known issues

  • Sometimes parts attaching to PR-0 P.A.N.E. will mirror/symmetry incorrectly. Just drag the part off and back on or toggle symmetry.
  • The tank will not pass fuel though to an engine unless linked directly with a fuel duct, if the tank is attached to another tank, or if the engine itself is radially attached to the tank. (This is working as intended, but KSP doesn't have stock, radial fuel tanks other than monopropellent, so it feels a tad odd to have these restrictions.)
  • Shadows may look wonky sometimes. This is my first part for KSP, so I didn't quite have full grasp of tri-counts for this game, smoothing, etc. I may fix later.
Part Version 1.0 (no longer available)
  • Initial release.
  • Includes all working parts and files for use in Kerbal Space Program.
  • Includes installation instructions on Curse Forge website.


PR-0 P.A.N.E. in action!The PR-0 P.A.N.E. Tank was not stolen from the KSC grill. That's an outright falsehood.