


What is it?

QuickContracts is a plugin which adds the possibility to have keyboard's shortcuts on the mission control.

How does it work?

Keyboard's shortcuts:

  • Accept selected contract: push A,
  • Decline selected contract: push X,
  • Decline all contracts: push C,
  • Decline all test contracts: push V,

You can change the shortcuts on the file "GameData/QuickContracts/Config.txt"

How to install it?

Unzip all files. Put the QuickContracts folder in your KSP/GameData folder.

How to uninstall it?

Delete the QuickContracts folder in your KSP/GameData folder.


  • to 5thHorseman and tal2410 to have requested this mod,
  • to malkuth for his Mission Controller 2 mod,
  • to all other mod developers which make this game really huge,
  • to my friend Neimad who corrects my bad english ...
  • and to Squad for this awesome game.
