Radio Free Kerbin

Radio Free Kerbin


Radio Free Kerbin

A mod for Kerbal Space Program that adds basic antenna capability to all stock or mod-provided crewed command parts.



  • v1.2.1 (07 August 2017)

  • Updated version information to reflect compatibility with KSP 1.3

  • v1.2.0 (14 October 2016)

  • Added compatibility with the CommNet system in KSP 1.2

  • Slightly nerfed antenna specs for balance with new antennas in stock pods

  • v1.1.2 (30 July 2016)

  • Changed Kerbalism patch from .txt to .cfg

  • Fixed spelling errors in readme

  • v1.1.1 (29 July 2016)

  • Added Kerbalism support

  • Fixed syntax error in AntennaRange config

  • Removed unnecessary config value from RemoteTech config

  • v1.1.0 (16 July 2016)

  • Added RemoteTech support

  • Added AntennaRange support

  • Removed unnecessary config values that could cause compatibility problems

  • RadioFreeKerbin will no longer attempt to add an antenna if the part has one already

  • v1.0.1 (02 July 2016)

  • Nerfed antenna specs for balance with stock antennas (now the same as Communotron 16)

  • Added CKAN support

  • v1.0.0 (29 June 2016)

  • Initial release

  • All functionality is implemented and has passed early testing.