


The mascot of Sean "Jacksepticeye" McLoughlin, made into a rideable, self-propelled little drone.  It has the added advantage of coming with its own protective storage tank, which works like any engine shroud (the little part that goes over the engine if you put something below it).

Installing involves placing the Eye folder directly into GameData, inside Kerbal Space Program's folder.  (Not the lower-case eye folder)

A few things to say:

If you put a Kerbal on Sam, you'll probably want to right-click Sam and select Control From Here.  Kerbals have no idea how to control this thing, and will probably crash-land into an explosive demise.

Sam has about the same amount of propulsion as a 200-series fuel tank strapped to the LV909 "Terrier" engine.  The engines do use Monopropellent instead, though, so keep that in mind if you plan to build in extra fuel tanks.  You can always Jettison the tank parts from the right-click menu.  You can also use him as engines, if you really want to.

Not enough kick to get to space on its own!  Only has about 1000m/s of delta-vees (change in velocity, or how fast you can go before running out of fuel), so you'll want to get to at least 1300m/s above Kerbin before launching Sam if you want to make it into an orbit.  (Low Kerbin Orbit is about 2300m/s)

Experimental as all hell.  You might want to test the mod out before sending Sam on any missions.