


This mod uses blizzy78's wonderful Toolbar mod to add buttons in the flight, VAB, SPH and Tracking Station scenes that allow you to jump between the scenes. And yes, this mod very much requires Toolbar (due to my inexperience with GUIs and most of C#).

This may seem pretty useless to some people, but when I found myself constantly going back to the Space Center just to go to the VAB or the Tracking Station, it was getting tedious having to wait for the Space Center to load, especially since my computer takes about four seconds to do it. That PLUS the loading time of the other scenes was getting a little annoying for me ESPECIALLY since I did it SO many times. So I thought why not just skip through it? This was the easiest solution I could think of. It may help with people who have slower-end computers, more as a convenience mod than anything else.

Currently supports:
- Going from Flight to VAB/SPH/Tracking Station
- Going from VAB to SPH and vice-versa
- Going from Tracking Station to VAB/SPH

Forum link is here.

Note that because at times you'll have three buttons from this mod (which may be too many on the toolbar!) - never worry though, blizzy's Toolbar actually carries a feature where you can create a folder and organize the buttons!

An example by Roxette

Download Alternate Icons by 5thHorseman 
(Simply download and unpack into the sceneJumper folder and overwrite the current files)

Powered by blizzy78's Toolbar plugin (comes with the zip file - ensure you don't replace your current Toolbar folder if you have a more recent version!)