


Current Version: - Release 21 Nov.2021 - KSP 1.12.2 Edition.  

** Now supports Deployable Radiators **
Ship Manifest (SM) is a tool to move your ship's "things".

I started with Crew Manifest as a basis for this work, with great thanks to vXSovereignXv for creating Crew Manifest, and Sarbian for contributions to Crew Manifest.  Also a special thanks to Micha, who maintained Ship Manifest during my hiatus.  

I've now re-imagined it into Ship Manifest, using the same easy to navigate system that vXSovereignXv used.  It does what crew manifest does, only better, plus a whole lot more. Ship Manifest moves crew, Science and Resources around  from part to part within your ship or station.

Ship Manifest can be used alone.   There are no mod dependencies.  However, if you install the mods below, you can use them in Ship Manifest.

  • Toolbar, by blizzy78,
  • Connected Living Spaces (CLS) by codepoet, and
  • Module Manager  (if you are using CLS)
  • DeepFreeze
  • RemoteTech
  • Kerbal Inventory System

If you wish to use these fine mods, get them here:
- CLS:
- Toolbar:
- Module Manager: 
License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Original license on Crew Manifest was do as you want. I felt the original and contributing authors deserve due attribution, since this is a derivative work.

Source code (and previous releases):

Ship Manifest WIKI :

What's New:

Version - Release 21 Nov 2021 - KSP 1.12.2
- Papa_Joe has resumed support.
- New: retargeted for .Net 4.8
- New: recompiled for KSP 1.12.
- New: added new deployable Radiators control panel tab.
- New: Added default window position node to settings file.
- Changed default window position to below the
- Merge of Mwherle code base back to PapaJoesSoup in Git.
- Moved Distribution back to PapaJoesSoup
- Fixed: Part Control window Content alignment changes when selecting different tabs.

Version - Release 30 Dec 2020 - KSP 1.11.0
- New: recompiled for KSP 1.11
- New: added chinese translation (thanks to Grassland-CN)
- Fixed: Kerbal EVA when part has no IVA (fixes #7)
- Changed: retargeted to DotNet 4.6.1

Version - Release 14 Jun 2020 - KSP 1.9.1
- New: Show Applicants in Roster Window and allow editing/hiring them
- New: added space-suit selection to Edit Kerbal
- New: added veteran checkbox to Edit Kerbal
- New: added a way to detect and fix broken Kerbals in the roster window (fixes #2)
- New: added german translation
- Fixed: KIS inventory transfers correctly again when moving a single crew member (partially fixes #21)
- Fixed: Refactored and fixed some of the parts highlighting. Target parts should be correctly highlighted again.
- Fixed: several null reference exceptions

Version - Release 04 Mar 2020 - KSP 1.9.1
- New: recompiled for KSP 1.9.1
- Changed: new maintainer, *Micha*.
- Changed: repository layout (maintainers take note).
- Changed: new distribution scripts based on msbuild (maintainers take note).

Version - Release 24 Nov 2019 - KSP 1.8.x Edition
- New: Recompiled for KSP 1.8.x compatibility (using DotNet 4.5)
- **NOTE:** This version is incompatible with versions of KSP before 1.8.

Version - Release 17 Mar 2018 - KSP 1.4.1 Edition
- New: Recompiled for KSP 1.4.x compatibility.
- Fixed: Bug in Selected Target Mouseover. CLS Target Crew Part was incorrect color. Git Issue #53
- Fixed: Updated icon graphics to restore quality after Unity update in KSP. Increased image sizes to 128 x 128 px (Git Issue #52)
- Fixed: Sometimes the Manifest window will not appear. Git Issue #49
- Fixed: gain/loss of resource(s) in transfers. (thanks to Arivald Ha'gel for the PR #48!)
- Fixed: RT antennas not appearing in the control window. PR #48
- Fixed: Kopernicus Solar panel detection problem (Git Issue #47) PR #48
- Fixed: Correct version file data to agree with release version. Git Issue #46

Version - Release 17 Jul 2017 - Vessel to Vessel Edition
- New: Added Docked vessel to vessel Crew and Science transfers!
- New: Added Docked Vessels Control panel. View your docked vessels, Rename a vessel, and undock a vessel with a click of a button.
- New: Added option to vessel to vessel Crew transfers to limit crew xfr list to tourists only. Space tourism awaits!
- New: Added ability to create Tourists from Roster Window.
- New: Spanish localization added. Thanks to Fitiales!
- Misc: refactored vessel detection for vessel to vessel transfers, it was not behaving as exected.
- Misc: A bit of refactoring on highlighting, as it was not behaving as expected
- Misc: Increased base volume of crew movement sound files.

Version - Release 01 Jun 2017 - KSP 1.3 Compatibility Edition
- Fixed: Error in scrollviewer dimensions refactor. reversed height and width.
- Fixed: Minor boundary detection error with mouseover highlighting. The visible button list window boundaries were not completely respected.

Version - Release 31 May 2017 - KSP 1.3 Compatibility Edition
- Fixed: compatibility with latest DeepFreeze. Freeze action from Roster Window was failing.
- Fixed: Some localization was not complete. Added additional tags for text not caught in first pass.
- Fixed: Highlighting of parts was occurring outside the boundaries of the scroll windows.
- Misc: Cleaned up text rendering in general. Converted to consistent use of C# string interpolation across mod.
- Misc: Cleaned up some code style issues. I've been wanting to do this for a while, so KSP 1.3 was a good time to do it.
This affected the SMWrapper.cs class for modders, and may break your mod.
If you use this or reflection to access SM, some methods had capitization changes.
Ex: SM... was replaced with Sm... get... was replaced with Get... Nothing is gone, just "altered" :)

Version - Release 26 May 2017 - KSP 1.3 Compatibility Edition
- New: Implemented Localization system. Now it is possible to translate SM into other languages.
- New: Realism Settings Refactor. Realism Mode is redefined and easier to use; settings are now more granular.
- New: - Added Radio switch for realism Categories: Full, None, Default, Custom.
- New: - Added new setting to the Realism Tab "Realistic Control". This affects ship control window and uncontrolled resource transfers.
- New: - Added new setting to the Realism Tab "Enable Roster Modifications". Affects Roster actions Create, Add, Edit, Remove, and Respawn.
- New: - Added new setting to Realism Tab. "Realistic Transfers". This affects Transfer features for crew, science and resources.
- New: Added several new tooltips in the Mod. Cleaned/updated up several others.
- New: Refactored Vessel to Vessel transfers. Now separates multiple vessels originating from the same launch.
- Fixed: Selecting a resource in the Manifest Window triggered an enumeration error.
- Fixed: Crew respawn was always allowed. Should be disabled for Realism. Roster actions are now impacted by Enable Roster Modifications setting.
- Fixed: Issue with multiple instances of SMAddon class loading when changing scenes.
- Fixed: Roster and Settings windows continued to be displayed even when Pause Menu or Hide UI is on.
- Fixed: Manifest and other windows disappeared in flight under certain conditions (when staging/part destruction occurs).
- Fixed: Antennas not properly working. Post fix RemoteTech support is not yet confirmed.
- Fixed: Part highlighting on mouseover of part selection button was broken. Bug introduced when I refactored highlighting awhile ago.
- Fixed: Sound file changes were not taking immediate effect. Scene change was required. Github Issue #25
- Fixed: Resource totals not preserved during Transfers. Github Issue: #36
- Fixed: Resource Transfers exhibited incorrect stop button behavior with Target to source transfers.
- Fixed: Tourists could go EVA, and should not. Github Issue: #37
- Fixed: ToolTips displayed even when SM interface is not. Github Issue: #38
- Fixed: ToolTips not properly updating on Xfer button. Github Issue: #39
- Fixed: Crew Xfers between full parts failing under certain circumstances. Github Issue #40

Version - Release 29 Jan 2017 - KSP 1.2.2 Compatibility Edition
- Fixed: Object not found error in ModDockedVessels Get LaunchID. now properly returns a 0 if the underlying object is null.

Version - Release 16 Jan 2017 - KSP 1.2.2 Compatibility Edition
- New: Refactored for KSP 1.2.2
- Fixed: Enumeration error when opening or closing more than one hatch at the same time.
- Fixed: Respawn Kerbal fails. Github issue # 35.
- Fixed: Opening/closing hatches via a part's tweakable doesn't properly update the transfer windows xfer/eva buttons when CLS spaces change.
- Fixed: Fill buttons do not have tooltips. Can be confusing as to their behavior.
- Fixed: Part level fill buttons do not behave as expected by users. Should not be available in flight with realism on.
- Fixed: Roster and Settings Icons sometimes appear in flight scene. Should only be in Space Center Scene.
- Fixed: Highlighting is disabled temporarily when hatches are opened and closed.
- Fixed: Resource selection in the Manifest window is behaving erratically. Resources are disappearing in the display when multiple selections are made.
- Fixed: Vessel to vessel transfers are failing with an NRE in ShipManifest.SMVessel.UpdateDockedVessels.
- Fixed: Sometimes crew transfers do not work.

Version - Release 30 Dec 2016 - KSP 1.2.1 Compatibility Edition

- Fixed: Create Kerbal fails.
- Fixed: Rename Kerbal changes do not show up after change.
- Fixed: Removed Mod Button from Settings Window. Was there in error.

Version - Release 14 Nov 2016 - KSP 1.2.1 Compatibility Edition
- New: Refactored mod for KSP 1.2.x Compatibility
- New: Added support for new events in Crew Transfer, allowing improved performance and customization of Full Part messages during Stock Crew Transfers.
- New: Corrected supported versions in the Developer Notes and Installation Notes. (Git Issue #30)
- New: Added support for switching "Allowing Unrestricted Crew Transfers" in CLS so that SM and CLS do not compete for control over Stock Transfers.
- New: Added a setting in the Settings window to enable/disable overriding CLS CrewTransfer setting.
- Removed: Mods Tab in Control Window. Installed mods is now availabe from the KSP Debug window (Alt F12)
- Fixed: SM windows were not always closing on scene changes.
- Fixed: Resource Dumps from the Manifest window would cause any previously clicked dump to initiate when another was clicked.

Version - Release 21 Aug, 2016 - KSP 1.1.3 Optimization Edition.
- New: Tweak of tooltips to make them more readable. changed style and added border.
- New: Refactored code to ensure explicit variable type assignments.
- New: Additional refactoring for performance and improved garbage collection.
- Fixed: Crew transfers were incorrectly playing Pumping sounds.
- Fixed: Corrected a logic error in Crew Transfers that caused crew swaps in parts that have a crew capacity greater than their internal seat count.
SM now properly supports "Standing Room Only Transfers".

Version - Release 24 Jul, 2016 - KSP 1.1.3 Optimization Edition.
- Fixed: Enumeration error on kerbal action in Roster Window. Moved action to outside enumerator, so change to list does not throw error.
- Fixed: Button widths were incorrect in Manifes and Transfer window part selectors under certain realism and configuration settings.

Version - Release 21 Jul, 2016 - KSP 1.1.3 Optimization Edition.
- New: Added option to enable Crew Fills and Dumps Vessel Wide during Pre-Flight . Off by default. Works the same as Resource fill and dump.
- New: Refactored Part level Crew Fill and Dumps. Now shows up in the Transfer Window in Preflight when CrewPreflight setting is on, or anytime when Realism is off
- New: Significant refactoring to improve overall performance.
- Fixed: Revised erroneous tooltip messages for Renaming kerbals and enabling Profession changes. These are now enabled by default and supported by the stock game.
- Fixed: Now SM properly detects and notes changes in USI inflatable crewable modules

Version - Release 12 Jul, 2016 - KSP 1.1.3 Compatibility Edition.
- New:  Added ability to initiate EVA from Crew Transfer Window in Realism mode when CLS prevents an internal Transfer.
- Fixed: Occasional nullref exceptions when loading a vessel in method UpdateDockedVessels.

Version - Release 08 Jul, 2016 - KSP 1.1.3 Compatibility Edition.

- New: Implemented Disabling of Stock Crew Transfer system using Realism setting "Enable Stock Crew Transfer". When set to off, Stock Crew transfer buttons no longer appear.

Version - Release 07 Jul, 2016 - KSP 1.1.3 Compatibility Edition.

- Fixed: NulRef errror with DeepFreeze installed and a frozen kerbal in RosterListViewer.
- Fixed: (maybe) Window display issues during launch and stage separation, explosion of ship.
- New: SM window can now be displayed in IVA and in Map mode.
- New: Added logging to output.log. this will make the output.log more useful for troubleshooting. Captures all log entries, verbose or not.
- New: Refactored Highlighting to clean up FPS issue. Now causes significantly less impact to frame rate.
- New: Refactored Stock Crew Transfer Beahavior. When override is on, changes to KSP 1.1.3 now allow capturing transfer before it occurs.

Version - Release 07 July, 2016 - KSP 1.1.3 Compatibility Update

- New: Updated code to run on KSP 1.1.3
- New: Modified screen message displays to account for changes to the object model. 

Version - Release 14 Mar, 2016 - Bug fixes and APIs

- New: Removed DFInterface.dll. Added Reflection based Wrapper class source code for integration with DeepFreeze.
- New: Removed SMInterface.dll. Replaced by SMWrapper, which is also a reflection based wrapper for developer use with SM.
- Fixed: Crew movement issues with DeepFreeze.
- Fixed: Roster Window does not display correctly with DeepFreeze installed.
- Fixed: EVA kerbals causing a null ref bug and duplicating kerbals. This fix requires the latest version of Deepfreeze (V0.20.4.0) if you use it with SM.


1. Remove ShipManifest from your GameData Folder before installing any new version..
2. Overwrite your GameData folder with the contents of the archive.

- Kottabos did a fine review here: (Feb 28th). It was very educational for me . I've fixed the bugs...