Sido's Urania System

Sido's Urania System


Sido's Urania Planet Pack
is a really light and very optimized planet pack (less than 80 Mo for 7 new planets and 8 moons) I'm creating for Kopernicus.

Urania ? Does it look like a pee planet?
Well, actually, it looks more like Uranus

Seems to be cool, but how many celestial bodies does this beauty have?
Currently, there are 6 planets around the gas giant Urania and 8 moons around these planets, a total of 15 new celestial bodies in total

And where in the kerbol system is it?
It is on a 2° inclined orbit at 46 millions kilometres of the sun. It's just after Dres' orbit and just before Jool's orbit. Not so far away!
The kerbal scientists think that Dres was an old moon of Urania and she has escaped from its orbit

>> How can i thank you ? How can i support you ? <<

It's really important for me : actually, i'm living only of my numeric creations and i really spend a lot of time making this pack the best that I can, so if you use my pack and love it,
why don't support me and this project with a little paypal donation ? (Even a little one, i really appreciate it )

Installation of the Sido's Urania Planet Pack

    • Download the last version of Kopernicus :
      Download Kopernicus from GitHub
    • Unzip it, and put the "Kopernicus" folder in your GameData
    • BE SURE TO HAVE THE LAST MODULEMANAGER DLL INSTALLED. Actually it's the ModuleManager.2.6.7 version (come with kopernicus)
    • Put the "Sido_Urania_System" folder in your GameData
  4. ENJOY :
    • You can launch your game, it's simple as this.

What does Urania's pack look like ?

  1. The planets are:
    • Urania which is the central gas giant
    • Ares - based on a real Mars bump map that i terraformed - and their moons : Phobos and Deimos
    • Vulcania and its moon Hephaistos
    • Rhea and its moon Lemoni
    • Themis the dust queen and its moon Minos
    • Erato the frozen one and their moons Eos and Crios
    • Hestia - based on a real Moon bump map that i terraformed - and its moon : Fragum


Thanks for reading and i hope you enjoy my job