Signal Delay

Signal Delay



This mod adds signal delay for probes in KSP, based on their CommNet connectivity. It means that you will only see the commands you issue after the radio wave reaches the vessel and returns back. Controlling interplanetary probes gets harder but more realistic.

Antennas also now use Electric Charge (when deployed) for telemetry. Depending on signal strength (only the first link matters), EC usage can decrease up to 50%.

All the features can be enabled, disabled or adjusted by clicking the toolbar button (stock and Blizzy's toolbars supported) or via in-game Settings.


The mod is in beta. Please report bugs via the GitHub Issues tab or at the forum and attach the output log.

Required & Supported Mods

Known Issues

  • The mod doesn't handle part actions (e.g. experiment deployment), so they are not delayed. If you find it cheaty, you can choose to hide them, in the Settings, and use action groups instead.
  • RCS linear translation (HNJLIK keys) is not supported at the moment. I haven't figured out how to execute these actions.
  • Autopilot and similar mods (such as MechJeb) also have no delay, because they interact with the vessel directly.