SimpleConstruction! (SCON) by matterbeam

SimpleConstruction! (SCON) by matterbeam


[Bug ๐Ÿž]: Duplicate Tanks and Name Issues

hutiwephy opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Brief description of your issue

There are duplicate ore tanks which names either end in ยดยดยด(Ore)ยดยดยด, ยดยดยด(Metal)ยดยดยด or ยดยดยด(RocketParts)ยดยดยด,

There is also an Issue with the Ore Material variant name being ยดยดยด#autoLOC_501007 = Oreยดยดยด instead of Ore

Steps to reproduce

Install the mod Acoording to Instructions

Expected behavior

No duplicates and correct names

Actual behavior

Good behaviour with minor issues


Mod: SimpleConstruction-
KSP: 1.12.3
Download: Github

How did you download and install this?

GitHub release .zip (advanced manual installation)


Thank you. Kindly read, and These are boilerplate.


Thank you @hutiwephy !

So I see two issues:

  1. a localization issue (easy fix)
  2. duplicate parts issue.

Need to know more about your setup:

  • what is also installed in your game
  • did you do a clean install?

Do you have B9PartSwitch installed?


Update: @hutiwephy

first issue is resolved. Just needed to add // (comment out) the last word "ore"; will work. again thank you.

second issue: I suspect that you have B9PS installed - so you don't want to see the stock tanks as well.


  • Can't remove them because what happens if B9PS is removed or fails?
  • Or if a player adds B9PS after they have launched craft with say a RocketParts tank.

Will think it over while waiting for your response.


A possible solution for the second one is to make a optional config file that deletes the duplicates

@hutiwephy excellent suggestion!

I am probably going to add in another ghostparts.cfg - just for B9PS; so if B9PS is installed it will 'hide' the additional tanks (hidden in editors, does not affect parts already in flight)


A possible solution for the second one is to make a optional config file that deletes the duplicates


after futher consideration, will not need an additional config file; rather can/will build the 'ghosting' into the original patch.


@hutiwephy below find a zip file

Kindly try these two files (B9TanksSwitch.cfg and Tanks.cfg) that are in the archive file in their correct places. Should just be able to drag the directories (or files) and replace existing.

unpack here: <KSP_ROOT>/GameData/SimpleConstruction

I make no warranty (have to say that) however they shouldn't damage anything - still make a backup or your save or test on a blank save first. This should make those extra parts be ๐Ÿ‘ป 's in the editors, but still available in flight so no ships should be damaged in the making of this release.


my testing shows both issues resolved. Again @hutiwephy thank you!

please let me know how it works for you now. ๐Ÿ†•


It's also working with me as well no further issues to report


It's also working with me as well no further issues to report

Thank you @hutiwephy for the feedback! Both the original and the last. Plus the stuff ๐Ÿฅ™ in the middle!

Glad to hear this!

Happy ๐Ÿ’ฅ , wait.. I meant to say ๐Ÿ›ธ and ๐Ÿ—๏ธ !