This addon aims to provide simple craft building capability in flight mode with stock parts and streamlined IRSU mining for Kerbal Space Program.
By zer0Kerbal
, originally by MatterBeam
and then by RealGecko
; then previously from EricWi
adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo
%%{init: {'theme': 'forest', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#bada55'}}}%%
graph LR
id[Resource Flow];
Drill-->StoreOre((Ore Tank)) & ISRU
ISRU-->StoreMetal((Metal Tank)) & ScienceLab
ScienceLab-->StoreRP((RocketParts Tank))--> Workshop
Preamble by MatterBeam
After testing out Extraplanetary Launchpads and Roverdude's MK/OKS,
had the idea of creating a simple, user friendly mod that would allow you to build rockets without taking a 200MB hit to RAM or having to juggle multitudes of resource pathways. If you know how to set up a drill, ISRU and a fuel tank for an Ore to Fuel conversion, then you should know how to build rockets.
- No extra parts
- No RAM usage
- Added functionality for the Mobile Processing Lab in the late game
- Simple, configurable and adds levels of depth to the gameplay without a learning curve
- Ore --> Metal --> RocketParts --> rockets!
Cabin notes by zer0Kerbal
- Will remain prerelease until taniwha releases Extraplanetary Launchpads as release instead of alpha/beta/prerelease and so new prereleases ONLY available on CurseForge
- I have not personally tested the patches
- Known issue(s)
- If the offset/rotation gizmo's are used on the docking ports, the spawn location might be off. This is a known issue and a feature request has been sent to
- Kerbalism compatibility is considered EXPERIMENTAL.
- certain builds may require no RocketParts and time to complete. We are aware of this and any assistance with this issue would be appreciated.
- most images/shields are also links.
- If the offset/rotation gizmo's are used on the docking ports, the spawn location might be off. This is a known issue and a feature request has been sent to
- the latest version of this readme is always found on GitHub
- ChangeLog for more details of changes
- Discussions or forums for discussions and news
- GitHub Pages
- Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues
- Marketing Slicks
- Parts Catalog for part pictures
- Online Manual (heavily a WIP)
- this is the FULL Extraplanetary Launchpads PDF manual and not written specifically for SimpleConstruction! and is dated
- an unfinished/experimental (heavily wip) html version is available here
Dutch - bedankt x13x54
French (Français) - merci beaucoup izeau (Jean Dupouy)
Chinese (简体中文) - xièxiè - wèizhī (谢谢 - 未知) unknown
- your translation here
Kindly help translate Extraplanetary Launchpads by
See above for instructions. Github Repo
- Compatibility patches
- Testing of experimental features:
- A config that turns a STOCK part (Klaw) into a recycler
- discussion and download on GitHub
- Contracts for these glorious parts
- Sample crafts/subassemblies
- Variant textures and model updates (add/improve: lights, iva, hatches et al)
- Marketing Images and Videos such as hero shots, animated gifs, short highlights
- Translations: See the README's in the Localization folder for instructions for adding or improving translations. There is also the quick start guide(s). GitHub push is the best way to contribute. Additions and corrections welcome!
- Have a request? Glad to have them, kindly submit through GitHub.
Most recent releases only available via CurseForge/OverWolf Website/App
- 📌 Pinned
- Dependencies:
- Foundations (FND) Helps prevent ground constructions from floating away
- GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO)
- KerbalStats keeps tract of time on task, which can increase task efficiency
- Keridian Dynamics Vessel Assembly (KDVA) lots of stockalike parts
- More: Hitchhikers (MHH)
- Not So SimpleConstructon! (NSSC) adds recyling and surveying
- SimpleLogistics! (SLOG)
list of other addons by zer0Kerbal
that benefit SimpleConstruction! (SCON)
- Kaboom! (BOOM) another way to not go to space today
- On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC)
- ISRU Thanks But No Tanks (QBTT)
- Docking Port Descriptions (DPD)
- SimpleNotes! (NOTE)
by zer0Kerbal
Six Crew Science Lab simple patch that re-adds the missing four seats
Fuel Switchers:
- Asteroid Cities (AC)
- Behemoth Aerospace Engineering (BAE)
- Blizzy's Toolbar
- Community Resource Pack
- Extraplanetary Launchpads - No More Production
- Kerbal Planetary Base Systems (KPBS)
- Kerbalism (kerb) - Experimental
- Kethane/KethanePlus
- Special Parts Division (SPD)
- Station Parts Expansion Redux (SSPX)
- Toolbar Controller
- TweakScale (twk)
- parts, plugin, config, flags, convenience, editor, resources, crewed, uncrewed
red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support
Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date
for creating Extraplanetary Launchpads.MatterBeam
for creating this cool mod.RealGecko
- previous maintainerseengie
o7- see for more comprehensive list
Author (3) - zer0Kerbal
Forum: Thread - Source: GitHub - Download CurseForge
Maintainer (2): EricWI
Author (1): RealGecko
Thread - SpaceDock - Source: GitHub
the license was changed around this time.
Original Author (ROOT) (0): MatterBeam
Thread - SpaceDock - Source: GitHub
This mod contains
's Launchpad.dll and textures licensed from Extraplanetary Launchpads.
All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses
All assets, including but not limited to: animations, models, sounds and textures are distributed under their own licenses.
see Notices for more legal Mumbo Jumbo
How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal
Comment, click, like, share, up-vote, subscribe
Completely voluntary, absolutely amazing, and really does help out a lot!
and it is true.
Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List