SimpleConstruction! (SCON) by matterbeam

SimpleConstruction! (SCON) by matterbeam


Compatibility Folder Restructure

zer0Kerbal opened this issue ยท 0 comments

  • Currently there is GameData/SimpleConstruction/Compatibility/ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads and GameData/SimpleConstruction/Compatibility/ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads
  • Create new folder `GameData/SimpleConstruction/Config' and move all config.cfg into it
  • Delete folder GameData/SimpleConstruction/Compatibility/ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads
  • Move all files in GameData/SimpleConstruction/Compatibility/SimpleConstruction up on level and delete now empty folder
  • move [CrewedPods.cfg], [DockingPorts.cfg], [Drills.cfg], [GrapplingDevice.cfg], [ISRU.cfg], [Launchclamps.cfg], [ScienceLabs.cfg], [SeatTasks.cfg], and [Tanks.cfg] into /Config
  • Move files related to B9 into subfolder B9PartSwitch