(.90) Stanford Torus 0.6.1

(.90) Stanford Torus 0.6.1

Stanford Torus

Stanford Torus

Wide view of the Stanford Torus Hull
Science module

Science module

The science module that can be mounted inside the stanford torus has a 100% transmit capable processing lab (some say it's more advanced than the lab back at the space center).
Habitat Module

Habitat Module

the habitat module has beds, tables, and a mess hall with coffee and snacks
Holographic EPL

Holographic EPL

The Holographic assisted extraplanetary launchpad solves the problem of launchpads getting blown up by rocket exhaust whenever something launched off them.
Inline Goo module

Inline Goo module

One of Netherdyne's interns got hit with this when it fell off the back of a truck. Seems whoever built this was tired of balancing surface mount goo modules on lander probes.