Stork Delivery System (SDS)

Stork Delivery System (SDS)


Stork Delivery System (SDS)

Kermangeddon Industries

Mod Version KSP version KSP-AVC License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Spacedock CKAN Github Curseforge

A Payload parts mod that Delivers your big cargo to the planet surface without flipping!


Stork Delivery System [SDS] adopted for curation by zer0Kerbal Originally created by riocrokite

Kermangeddon Industries Stork Delivery System (SDS)


Vertical frames with integrated legs for interstage and planetary delivery.

Mod characteristics

  • allows you to deliver tall 2.5m or 3.75m diameter parts to planet surface thanks to 6m long, extendable legs.
  • NEW 7.5m versions handle up to 7.5m deliveries!
  • lightweight - reusing same textures wherever possible
  • integrated approach - one integrated part for frame and legs to increase stability and reduce part count


Example usages:

Delivery of cargo trucks (with an assistance of JebPush TM at the end:))

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Warnings or 'cabin sticky notes'

  • When placing engines above center of mass be sure to either lock gimbals or not use SAS because of KSP bug {you might try to solve it using Tweakable Everything mod and reversing thrust of engines that are above center of mass}
  • Avoid rocket/jet blast directed at the legs when they are extended. Prolonged blast will destroy the frame.
  • Extending process take some time so you have to account for that when preparing to land.

Installation Directions

  • Use CKAN (best way) — or —
  • Before installation please delete StorkDeliverySystem folder in KermangeddonIndustries catalog. (GameData/KermangeddonIndustries/StorkDeliverySystem/)
  • Then copy .zip content into your GameData folder.

Changelog Summary

See ChangeLog for full details of mod changes





Stork Delivery System is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, which in layman's terms means:

  • You are permitted to use, copy and redistribute my work as-is.
  • You may remix your own derivatives (new models, alternative textures, etc.) and release them under your own name.
  • You may not use the material for any commercial purposes.
  • You must use the same license as the original work.
  • You must credit the following people when publishing your derivative: riocrokite (Stork Delivery System).
  • All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses
  • All art assets (textures, models, animations) are distributed under their own licenses

Content originally created by riocrokite.

Validate AVC .version files

v0.0.4.0 original: 17 Jul 2018 zed'K | updated: 24 Feb 2020 zed'K