TAC Part Lister

TAC Part Lister


A Part Lister from Thunder Aerospace Corporation (TAC), designed by Taranis Elsu.

In the editor, it displays a list of all parts in the vessel showing the name, stage number, mass and cost of each.


  • In the editor, it lists all parts in the vessel showing the name, stage number, mass, and cost of each.
  • It also displays the empty and resource mass and cost.
  • The total mass and total cost are listed at the bottom.
  • The window can be shown or hidden by clicking the icon.
  • The icon, a small clipboard, can be re-positioned anywhere around the edges of the screen by dragging it.
  • The window can be resized by dragging the lower right corner.

Please see the forum thread for information: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/31760