TUKE Attack Systems

TUKE Attack Systems


TUKE Attack Systems(WIP)

TAS is an expansion pack for the BD Armory mod that adds WW2 aircraft weapons.

If you want to see for yourself what i'm doing i'm uploading progress screenshots to imgur.  

Wing Mounted British .303 MG (Will be subject to changes in model)
Custom .303 Ammo
Hispanio Suiza .404 (20mm Ammo)
Vickers S Cannon (Cannon Shells)


M1919 machine gun
MG 131 (.303 Ammo)
MG 151/20 (20mm Ammo)
MK 108 (30mm Ammo)
Frazer Nash FN20 Power turret
Cant Z.1007 Upper Turret
SM.79 Dorsal Hump

Combos(Not Yet Implemented):
MG 131 + MK 108
Hispanio Suiza .404 + M1919

A note on combos: The way combos work is that they are still separate parts but will share the same title, with the name of that specific gun in the description, so say if you were putting 4mgs and 2 cannons on a spitfire, you would place 2 of the M1919+HS.404 (M1919 version) on each wing, then one M1919+HS.404 (Hispanio version) on each wing. This way it tricks BDA to using two different guns at the same time, it's currently the work around until we get proper support for multiple weapons.