WernherChecker v0.4

WernherChecker v0.4


WernherChecker - The Kerbal Space Program plugin

Are annoyed by constant forgotting of solar panels, parachutes, antennas or by missassignment of the crew? That's why WernherChecker is here.

WernherChecker checks your ship during the construction in the VAB or SPH and shows you, in the form of checklist, things you could possibly forget. Those can be Parts, PartModules, Resources or a Crew member with a specific skills.

It's fully customizable, so if you install new mod, which uses different PartModules, you can easily edit the configuration file.


  • Checks for Parts, PartModules, Resource capacity, Current resource amount or a Crew member with a specific skills.
  • Customizable
  • Reminder to check crew assignment before launch
  • Multiple checklists for different types of crafts
  • Option to switch between checklists during construction
  • Minimizable window via button in Stock or Blizzy78's toolbar

Learn more at the [forum thread] (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/63591)!