WILLZYX, the space Orca

WILLZYX, the space Orca


In efforts to bolster its reputation as an equal opportunities employer, the Kerbal Space Centre has taken to accepting a more diverse range of Kerbonaut applicants (to the
extent that the law requires).

Willzyx, the newest recruit, did not pass basic training, not even close (due to a weight problem). He has however, been taken on as a civilian Xeno-Oceanology consultant/ occasional ballast.

Willzyx is based on a 'type A' 'typical' adult male killer whale. He is about 8 metres long and weighs about 7 tonnes.

Maybe you have always wondered what it is like to run a productive space program with evil communists from the Horsehead Nebula breathing down your neck. Maybe you would just like to help Willzyx return home, to the mun, so he can dance with the other Zypods.

Willzyx in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nAWSKcrrTc