Zap! Electrics Pack Beta

Zap! Electrics Pack Beta



An ideally small pack, just electrical things


There are not many things included, but they may come in handy.

New features:

-A new company (more contracts are always better)

-More efficient batteries

-Solar Panels (That are better!)

Now this isnt alot, we plan on adding lots more, this is a beta.

We plan on adding:

-Eco Friendly lights

-Less energy transmissions

-Energy efficient capsules (That can hold more crew!)

-Less denser parts (Cuz speed also converts to mass, but KSP doesn't have simalar logic when it comes to mods)

-A variety of engines that dont take alot of fuel (if any at all, maybe an even better use for monoPropellant?)

-Less explosions, more planned explosions

-Very forceful decoupling system (Because maneuvering around in space maybe hard, also helps improvise staging errors)

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