For years kerbal Space program fans have been scratching their heads and getting keppler sydrome trying to make a working shuttle that actually looks decent. Look no further as after finally figuring out that all the fuel in the external tank had to stay in the top to maintain balance, making a shuttle was actually possible. After god knows how many hours of tweaking and testing, I finally created a shuttle that had the perfect mass to stay stable during all stages of flight. I then continued to make it look more bad-*** and practical for exploration and eventually came up with the x-72 design which is based on the Armageddon shuttles. I hope you guys enjoy this as it finally broke the curse of making shuttles and that you may be able to make your own in the future using what I have learnt from this creation. To try this out you need to download some mods, nothing to big but they prove to be essentially for making shuttles in ksp though you can make one with stock parts it just doesn't look as cool. Enjoy Kerbalnauts :)
In the new update, I have added a new easy to fly stock shuttle that resembles the real life NASA spacecraft. If you do not want to download the mods because of memory usage, you can download this shuttle for a great experience. (no mods required)
However the x-72 shuttle does require mods
Mods that need to be downloaded:
-Space Y lifters
-Adjustable Landing Gear
-B9 Aerospace
-Space Shuttle parts
The shuttle will not work without these mods, Enjoy :)