-NearFutureConstruction, NearFutureSpacecraft and NearFutureProps and StationPartsExpansion.
-BD Armory.
-Interstellar (Endurance) mod.
-Infernal Robotics.
-TAC LS is also required...
-SCANSat for scanners...
-MechJeb is also required.
NOTICE: Ship Type is SPH, and use something like HyperEdit or Extraplanetary Launchpads to get it into orbit.
BAX-3, Battleship is an heavily modded Space-Only battleship intended for BD Armory battles on MP or SP. 6 SAS units, 1 Huge Goalpost Cannon, tons of 50 cal machine guns and 3 30cal guns at the front topped with more 12 HKEV missiles, it is a pure ship of war, able to run only with 2 Kerbals. The plating can withstand 50cal. guns easily, and is able to hold out nice enough if attacked with Kinetic missiles. Monoprop and Electricity is stored inside, and there is a huge ring of RTGs near the Menoplasma engine.
Has tons of RCS units for good control. However, one must be careful to not lose the SAS compartment located near the missiles and launching missiles via the BD Armory control menu can lead to disaster.
Has a nice ramming capability and is equipped for full on head-to-head combat. Cockpit is not vulnerable to debris due to the head.
If one is in a polar orbit and feels like scanning the planet, the Battleship has 2 Scanning Modules for altitude data.
Either way, it is a huge machine that is capable of mass destruction in Orbit (as long as the SAS modules don't blow up...).