BC (Brain Child) series

BC (Brain Child) series


This craft pack follows the development of my favorite and most versatile airplane that I have built to date. It comes with 12 civilian and experimental versions and also includes 3 military versions.BCGS.06.3 in flight showing off it's armaments

Just a word of warning, if your computer is like mine, you will lag quite a bit (but not to the extreme) when flying the BCSG .06.3 HEAVY (shown above) because of all the bombs.

Flight Characteristics. First models hate to get off the ground. Later models are very stable all around. Takes off at about 38 Meters per second and can top around 220 meters per second in level flight. If you notice the plane flexing (bending a lot), thats normal. The flexing makes the craft a little more maneuverable than a a stiff one and also cancels out the vibrations from the over corrective SAS. This plane can land anywhere due to it's STOL (Short TakeOff and Landing) characteristics. To land the simple way, cut the throttle and let the plane coast in. To land creatively, its all up to you. Don't pitch forward excessively. You will stall and Jeb will laugh. however, you can pitch back as much as you want without having to worry about stalling (as long as you are flying faster then the minimum speed which is somewhere around 27 meters per second). And if you havent noticed, these crafts can carry a ridiculously large amount of weight under it's wings.

Yes this does require mods and i will give you links to them.

Adjustable Landing Gear (Yes it works in .90): https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/321/Adjustable Landing Gear

B9 Aerospace: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/223932-b9-aerospace-5-2-8

MechJeb (mostly used for longer hauls): http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/220221-mechjeb

BDArmory (Also works in .90): https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/90/BahamutoD's Armory

Anything else? Hmmm... I dont know... I'll get back to yall on that. Wait, i'm going to try to make a larger version that has a cargo bay and can carry internal weapons and stuff like that. If you are going to use this in a project of your own, please give me credit for the craft (in which I have been working very hard on since the .24 update) Also I will try to update this when I add new successful models and but until then, Have a great day.