Blaze Rover Jet

Blaze Rover Jet


 My first project. I created this mostly in order to travel from KSP to Kerbin City (with the Kerbin City mod from the KSP forums) and be able to roam the city with a rover. Basically a jet that turns into a rover. (Doesn't turn back into a jet...)

Action Groups:
1 - Front Lights
2 - Toggle Solar Panels
6 - Deploy Parachutes
7 - Decouple Everything
8 - Decouple Lower Front Fuel Tanks
9 - Decouple Takeoff Gear
0 - Toggle Engines
Gear - Toggles Wheel Motors
Abort - Also Deploys Parachutes

Useful Information:
 -If you wish to takeoff again after landing do not decouple the takeoff gears (don't press 6) because the motorized rover wheels cannot sustain speeds faster than 60 m/s. 
 -Before taking off, turn on SAS. This will prevent the jet from turning over.
 -To move with motorized wheels: W to go forward. S to go backward. A and D to go left and right.

Put .craft file into Ships\SPH inside the KSP folder.

KW Rocketry is required for this craft.