CSC CTA-1 Titan A2E2 SSTO - Take two orange tanks to orbit today!

CSC CTA-1 Titan A2E2 SSTO - Take two orange tanks to orbit today!


CSC CTA-1 "Titan" A2E2

There's no need to scale down your ambitions.


The Consolidated Space Cargo CTA-1 (Carrier, TransAtmospheric) "Titan" A2E2 SSTO is the latest delivery system offered by the CSC group to space pioneers who desire heavy lifting capabilities for their orbital projects. The Titan carries two fully fueled "orange" tanks to at least a 100 km altitude orbit and thus satisfies most cargo needs. 

User information

As with any advanced SSTO, basic SSTO experience is recommended for usage.

1. User manual

a. Liftoff

i. Press "1" to activate atmospheric engine mode and start the engines. 

ii. Most of the runway will be needed for takeoff, execute rotation during the last 1/3 of the runway stretch.

iii. Maintain a pitch of around 10-15 degrees.

b. Cruise and ascent

i. Maintain 10-15 degree pitch.

ii. Allow acceleration to supersonic speeds before leaving troposphere.

iii. Maintain atmospheric flight mode for as long as possible at higher altitudes, but do not wait until deceleration begins at extremely high altitudes.

iv. Press "2" to switch to non-atmospheric engine mode, gentle pitch adjustments to avoid excessive drag.

v. If a proper ascent has been executed, a stable orbit at 100 km altitude should be achievable.

c. Orbital operations

i. On the top surface of each of the two cargo bays is an extendable solar panel

ii. Press "3" to open the cargo bay doors; detach the tanks manually.

*Each tank has an in-built probe core, RCS thrusters and a limited supply of RCS fuel for extraction from the main vehicle and transport to any nearby craft.

d. Deorbit and descent

i. Make certain to shift fuel forward for a stable flight experience during descent.

ii. Low landing speeds are recommended, use as much of the runway as possible.
