Action Group:
NumPad 1 ----> Toggle drill & toggle surface harvester
NumPad 2 ----> Toggle converter(Lf+Ox)
NumPad 3 ----> Toggle lights below aircraft
NumPad 4 ----> Start nuclear reactor & toggle radiators around reactor
NumPad 5 ----> Turn off nuclear reactor & toggle radiators around reactor
NumPad 6 ----> Toggle radiators around nuclear fuel drum
NumPad 7 ----> Toggle cargo lights(inside)
NumPad 8 ----> Toggle lights on wings
7 Kerbonauts
12 Drill-O-matic
6 Convert-O-tron 125
1 MX2 F.L.A.T. fission reactor
1 Whirlijig nuclear reprocessor
1 MF-1 nuclear fuel drum
30000 Electric charge
1200 Ore tank
It needs refueling to go to the moon
If use MJ remove autostage option for last stage(I recommend to decouple manually immediately before the final acceleration to reach orbit)