JumpStarter - All in One Mining Refueling Tanker Relay vehicle - 3500 DV

Hi All, 

Welcome to what I lovingly call the JumpStarter. You can use this vehicle as refueling, tanker, mining vehicle or relay station. 

It will successfully mine and convert ~3500 DV or ~140 T of fuel material per trip from any small moon and bring it back to the tanker portion of the ship.. However you will need a satellite in a polar orbit with m700 scanner to mine efficiently on the moon you choose.

Placing one of these vehicles at Minmus and Ike gives you endless possibilities. You can replace the Sr Clamp-o-tron at the tip of the vehicle as needed. 

Action Groups:

  1. 1. Toggle Vernor Engine at top of mining vehicle
  2. 2. Toggle RCS Thrusters on Tanker Portion
  3. 3. Toggle Solar Panel on Tanker Portion
  4. 4. Lower Harvestor Drill
  5. 5. Toggle Radiators
  6. 6. Toggle Hinges for solar panels
  7. 7. Toggle Solar Panels
  8. 8. Toggle Surface harvestors
  9. 9. Toggle RCS on mining Vehicle

Mods required:


Parts: 375

Lander: included

Stages: 13

Cost: 1,067,941

Vessel Mass: 2838 T for Minmus up to 3186 T fully laden. 

Mod recommended:


This ship uses all stock components so should work pretty well for awhile. 

Example flight here: https://youtu.be/Cqnkxxx5E0w


Ignition of 1st stage and Lift off 2:01

1st Stage Separation 4:30

Ignition of 2nd Stage 6:16

Burn to Orbit 6:17

Burn to Minmus and Partial 2nd Stage Separation 9:32

Ignition of 3rd stage 9:39

Fuel Transfer 12:38

Partial 2nd Stage Separation 13:40

Minmus Orbit Burn 15:55

Optional Fuel Transfer (Could keep this stage for next burn to a different moon or planet) 18:24

Final 2nd Stage Separation 19:02

Adjusting Thrust Limits for Minmus Gravity for more fine tuned control 20:33

Miner Fuel Transfer 21:17

Safety Save!! 21:32

Undocking Miner Vehicle from Tanker portion 21:44

Setting fate from changing my landing target mid flight(not smart) 30:28

What I did to stop rotating out of control 32:11 Landed on Minmus 33:50

Mining 34:50

About to dock with Tanker portion 57:29

