Kethane probe truck

Kethane probe truck


Think of your average truck. Now imagine it with a mining rig embedded into its chassis, with a ~low center mass and a big honking fuel tank straight up the rear.

Now imagine your kethane field has depleted and the base you built around that field is starting to get twitchy due to lack o' fuel. What do you do? Migrate or open up a beer and get a sunburn on your left arm?

It is not without its flaws. The tank wheels need to have a locked steering or they tend to fall off. Oh yeah and getting it into orbit aswell.

Uses these mods:

  • KW rocketry
  • B9 aerospace pack
  • Kerbal Attachment System
  • Surface mounted stock-a-like lights for self illumination
  • Kethane
  • Fustek
  • Romfarer Lazor Camera
  • Connected Living Spaces
  • Module Manager