I guess this is just a bunch of carrier capable aircraft? Sure. Download if you want extremely short takeoff and landings
Mods needed:
Just stock stuff and I think BD Armory for one plane
This is the THUD ER after a wing strike apon takeoff. Landed safely
This is aa NA Kraven (Don't remember which one) doing a very nice landing
This is the NA THUD. I'll let you guess what role it fulfills
Another NA Kraven doing a very low fly-by of the runway
Here is the NA THUD showing off it's array of speed brakes
Yup another Kraven. doing an awesome takeoff
And now, the picture ya'll have been waiting for, the landing of the heaviest of the 3. The THUD
And yes, I did actually land it there. And yes, the deck does stop right off screen.