Orion Delta TRG231 3 pack

Orion Delta TRG231 3 pack


The Orion Delta is the first aircraft of its kind capable of very ship turns and quick takeoffs makes it by far SMPs prize plane, It was built 6 years after the Dusken War on Kerbin as a assist jet but was never ones used in a fight. It has a fare size bomb bay and can equip up to 14 missiles if needed also can be equipped with cannons and 4 mini guns. It can carry twice its own wight in tons and although don’t fly in space it is upgrade able for space flights.

I included 3 crafts with in the SPH Zip: 1 Armed, 1 space & 1 normal. The Armed will need BDArmory mod, The normal needs the SMP Mod, The Space uses SMP mod as well.

Links included below.

 Video of the Craft in flight: (Craft is show at 12:19 for thews wanting to skip ahead "Not Recommended")

Mods used: BDArmory & SMP Mod

File updates will only be released on KerbalX https://kerbalx.com/Reason/craft