phantom aerospace pack

phantom aerospace pack


In the first ever line up of aircraft from the Phantom division of C7 comes a selections of aeroplanes, aeronatical vessels and one ballistic vessel. with a total of 7 unique craft (9 total) , this selection of aircraft includes 3 seaplanes, large, medi um and small, 2 fighters, 2 heavy fighters, 1 bomber and small missile.

In no particular order, i give you, phantom aero's finest (as of yet)

  • Atmonaut: this plane is a short range, agile, utility fighter capable of at least mach 1.
  • Albatross FB-1: the largest sea plane in the catalogue, at a respectable 26 meters long with a mk3 fuselage, its no cessna. land in water as slow and flat as possible, action group 1 is take off assist. water take-off takes place at 69.7m/s.
  • Orca: The medium sea plane in our line up. Capable of 340 m/s, this guy is pretty speedy for how clunky it looks. once again, action 1 for water take-off. to fire the "missiles", stage and let the jets wind up, stage again and hope you're on target.
  • Atmonaut Sea: its the atmonaut with floats, switch on the after burner to get off the water.
  • Stratophantom: our first heavy fighter. built for high speed and medium altitude. action 1 for basic jets, action 2 for ramjets
  • HS-SN: short for high speed short notice, this craft was designed for short take offs on a rocket sled. our scientists figured out that while awesome, it was totally impractical and actually added time to it's take-off
  • PB-1: an attack bomber capable of mach 1 at the lowest. a lot of wing area makes for a lot of blast area
  • Tropostryfe: The latest Fighter to come out of our RnD built for BDA, This short range, high speed, agile aircraft is a good, all around fighter.
  • Small Missile. it's a missile powered by 4 sepratrons