QuizTech Ranger Series

QuizTech Ranger Series


You can find the planes in other Downloads (there are 2 pages of planes). I am sorry I cannot put them into a zip as curse does not allow that. ALSO SOME PLANES ARE STOCK AND DON'T REQUIRE THE MOD!

The Quiz tech Ranger series is a collection of highly advanced space planes that run on liquid fuel and oxidizer only. They are able to land on atmospheric and non atmospheric planets with ease and are able to return to orbit. This is done without intakes or refueling and the Ranger series includes many aircraft designed for different situations and purposes.

Current Aircraft Include

-Quantum Ranger mk1 ( Great for science and standard use)

-(NEW) Eagle Ranger (fast!, is a mix between the combat ranger and quantum)

-Quantum Ranger (Multipurpose)

-Quantum Ranger 2 (Smaller design)

-X-87 (Long range Flight and exploration)

-X-87 Q-Ranger (The X-87 with a detachable Q ranger on the back)

-E.S.P (Experimental Space Plane)

-EVE Ranger (In Alpha)

-Duel Engine Ranger (Faster, maneuverable, inefficient,stock)




I do not claim ownership to the mod author and all credit goes to him/her regarding the contents of their mod.

Use these aircraft to conduct interplanetary missions: 

But more importantly Have Fun