You can never have too many Apollo replicas, right? This is the culmination of quite a bit of time on my part, and I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. My goal was to make an approximately full-sized Apollo replica using stock parts. Since the stock command pod is 2.5m in diameter, that makes it 64% the size of the real thing. I scaled the rest of the craft accordingly.
Part Count: 562
Forum Thread:
Nothing tricky here. SAS on, go on full throttle. Start making your gravity turn at 10,000m. The first stage (S-IC) will get you to the upper atmosphere, and the second stage (S-II) should allow you to make orbit and circularize. The third stage has enough delta V to get you a Munar intercept. On your way to the Mun, undock the command and service module (CSM) from the top of the lander (LEM) by right clicking on the small docking port. Rotate the CSM 180 degrees and dock with the lander. Then detach the decoupler on the CSM engine and the one connecting the lander to the third stage (S-IVB). You will want to brake into 20km x 20km Munar orbit. Transfer two Kerbals over to the lander and undock. Land with the descent stage, play around on the Mun, then lift off and rendezvous with the orbiting CSM using the ascent stage. Finally, transfer the two Kerbals back to the CSM and return to Kerbin.
Action Groups
1. Detach interstage
2. Jettison launch escape system
3. Jettison payload fairings around LEM
Backspace: Engage launch escape system (LES)
0. Complete abort sequence (detaches command pod from LES and opens parachutes