7 steps to a good Career

7 steps to a good Career


26/11/16 - V 1.2.1

Having trouble getting to orbit? Feel like this game is to hard in career mode?

ChrisCorp is here to help.

With lessons in each craft description it's so simple even bill managed it.

We'll have you from go to pro in 7 easy Steps. Yes only 7 and you'll be bringing home rocks from Minmus and Mun with plenty of shelves to put them on in your orbital stations and relay networks to make sure your kerbals don't miss the bing game on TV.

Now updated for 1.2.1 Career Start

Step 1 - Altitude records 

Step 2 - Reaching space.

Step 3 - Obtaining Orbit 

Step 4 - Mun / Minmus Flyby

Step 5 - Minmus / Mun Land and Return

Step 6 - Relay network beginnings

Step 7 - Space stations and how to keep them running and Biome hopping for science.

 See image section for more details..............................................

02/05/15 - V 0.9.

Having trouble getting to orbit? Feel like this game is to hard in career mode?

ChrisCorp is here to help.

With lessons in each craft description it's so simple even bill managed it.

We'll have you from go to pro in 8 easy flights. Yes only 8 and you'll be bringing home rocksfrom mun and mimus and ready to take your space program to the next level.

Now updated for 1.01 Career Start

Flight 1 - Altitude records 

Flight 2 - Reaching space.

Flight 3 - Obtaining Orbit 

Flight 4 - and landing with friends

Flight 5 - Collecting Science by flying around 

Flight 6 - Mun Flyby

Flight 7 - Multi-tasking Sat, VIP & science contracts

Flight 8 - Minmus / Mun Land and Return

bonus craft VIP runner / LKO rescue 

See image section for more details..............................................

04/05/15 - 3 Was changed and a S Manley replica added 

Also explainer for the extra flight. Flight 8 not needed ( 3 will do it ) but is just a display of opening the next tech lvl.