Stock+Making History N1-L3

Stock+Making History N1-L3


Requires stock and Making History, but no mods. Includes the full N1 rocket with Blocks A, B, V, G and D, the LK lander, and a Soyuz LOK.

Am aware that the first stage has 6 less engines than the real thing, without a proper NK-30 equivalent 30 wouldn't physically fit. Otherwise should be pretty accurate to the real thing. Begin your gravity turn right at launch. Requires careful flying in the lower stages as the fuel limits are quite tight, once you get the Mun there's more room for mistakes.

Abort Action Group - Launch Escape Sysem
Action Group 1 - Jettison LES

Action Group 2 - Jettison Fairings

Action Group 3 - Activate Parachutes

Action Group 4 - Launch landing rockets