[Stock] Odysseus STS - Accurate Stock Space Shuttle

[Stock] Odysseus STS - Accurate Stock Space Shuttle


For a more detailed post, visit the forum thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/63127-Odysseus-STS-Block-V-New-Orbiter-with-cargo-bay-doors!

Max capacity: 5 tons to 300 km orbit

How to fly:
-Tap F to lock heading
-Roll 90 degrees east after 10s
-85 degrees after 15s
-70° above 8km
-60° after 2nd SRB burnout
- 50° after 350m/s (do not perform with heavy payloads, as the shuttle will pitchover itself)
- Drop the boosters as soon as they burn out.
-30° a few seconds after booster separation
-20° past 40km
-Throttle down to 2/3 and roll 180 degrees at 50km (15 degrees)
-Watch apoapsis (can possibly periapsis) and cut the throttle once at desired height.

- SSMEs are angled 15 degrees
- When using the OMS, the point 10 degrees higher from where you want to burn.
-It glides best when low on fuel

Action groups:
1- Toggle docking port cover
2- Toggle cargo bay doors
3- Undock cargo bay docking ports
8- Toggle crew ladder
9- Toggle OMS
0- Deploy emergency chute
Abort: Detach orbiter