Wraithlight-XSR MK-1

Wraithlight-XSR MK-1


Dummper Tech presents the Wraithlight series.

Test Flight:

-Fly to 10000m at 25 degrees

- Level out to about 13000m

- *Important. Turn on cockpit/engine radiators (Action Group Custom 04)

- Max Throttle.

- When speed maxes out, do series of dips to push for max speed. Be very light on the pitch action.

- Upon sight of the landing peninsula (see ''Test flight path'' Image) throttle down and drop to about 8000m passing over and past the peninsula. Good time to scout landing spots.

-  Scrub off more speed here with a high ''Gee'' turn back to the peninsula.

- Pick a landing spot. I like the long beach at the largest lake in the area, keep close to the water tho.

- Land press F3,F1 for a flight record. (see ''Test flight Info'' Image)

- Be proud you did it! =)