Kerbal Space Program
2,278 Mods
Korean Aeronautical & Space Program Gawain Solar Array
197 DownloadsKASP Array
SMP Torp
196 DownloadsJust a small stunt plane
Sparrow Jet
196 DownloadsStock fun fast jet.
[Vycma] Spheric Harmony (SSTO)
195 DownloadsSSTO [STOCK]
NBA Flags
195 DownloadsFlags using the logos of National Basketball Association teams
195 DownloadsFly the rocket that put John Glenn into orbit!
Orion Prototype
194 DownloadsOrion Spaceship
GPE Pack
193 DownloadsGuy Plane Engineering Pack
The Rover Race Challenge
193 DownloadsSee topic on KSP forums
Star Citizen Aegis Dynamics Idris-M Class Frigate
192 DownloadsWork In Progess: Irdis Frigate from Star Citizen
Nikopol Mk2 V3
192 DownloadsSpaceplane for colonies
UH-60 latest
192 DownloadsUH-60
192 DownloadsMedium spaceplane with medium payload capability.
McKonnell Kerman KF-15 (Not Stock)
192 DownloadsF-15 Eagle (f15)
PBAP-2 Zeus
192 Downloadsa huge 3 1/2 wide cargo plane from your friends at phantomaero
KestrelCargo 27
192 DownloadsStock SSTO cargo with 27 tons cargo load to 100 km LKO orbit
Amazing Wing Gliders
191 DownloadsAmazing Wing gliders that I made, fully functional, and awesome.
P-1 Jet
191 DownloadsBase light fighter. That start of the P generation.
Falcon 1
190 DownloadsSubassemblies
Atlas I
190 DownloadsSubassemblies