NoSwear is the ultimate chat control plugin. Allowing you to prevent: unwanted swear words, spam, advertising / links being posted.
First released in April 2012, and has been updated since. NoSwear is now open source, allowing you to contribute ideas and enhancements, or create your own spin on the plugin.
- Install Spigot (v1.8 to 1.14)
- Download NoSwear from
- Place the NoSwear.jar into the /plugins folder of the server.
- Start your server and check the server logs to ensure the plugin started successfully.
- Check the config.yml and configure it to your preference before fully implementing the plugin.
Plugin | Description |
Vault | Add economy support to the plugin, reward or penalise the player. GitHub Project by MilkBowl |
repositories {
maven {
url ""
compile 'me.A5H73Y:NoSwear:7.4'