

AcceptRules - Made by rigor789, recoded by Lolmewn

What does this plugin do?

This plugin makes sure all players have accepted the rules before they can start playing.
The plugin is highly customizable, you can change everything around to your own liking!
Missing something? Make a ticket!

Other features

  • Teleporting the player after accepting the rules (can be turned on/off in config)
  • Teleporting the player on first spawn (can be turned on/off in config)
  • Remembers if the user has accepted the rules
  • Block building/breaking of blocks until player accepts the rules (can be turned on/off in config)
  • Block commands, except for /rules and /acceptrules of course, until player accepts the rules (can be turned on/off in config)
  • Forces the player to read the rules! Can't accept them before reading them!
  • Send messages to OP's or players with permission node when someone accepts the rules!
  • Let the player or console perform commands upon acceptation of the rules! Use %PLAYER% to add the playername to the command.
  • Multiple pages of rules, you have to read all of them before you can do /acceptrules!

How to install

Installation of the plugin is dead simple. Simply download the plugin and drag it into your 'plugins' folder in the root directory of your server. Just like any other plugin!


For a how-to on doing your configuration,click here!

Commands and Permissions

All permission nodes default to OP

Command Permission Description
/rules Lets the user read the rules of the server. You can specify what rules will be shown in the /plugins/AcceptRules/rules.yml file
/acceptrules Accept the rules. The /rules command must be run prior to this command
/acceptrules settp acceptrules.settp This command sets the spawning point players are teleported to when they accept the rules, and this function is enabled in the config
/acceptrules setspawn acceptrules.setspawn This command sets the spawning point for players joining for the first time, if this function is enabled in the config
/acceptrules reload acceptrules.reload Reloads the rules and users files
acceptrules.notifyonaccept When a player accepts the rules, all users with this permission node will be sent a message, telling the user that the rules were accepted by that player
/acceptrules player <player> acceptrules.acceptForOthers Accepts the rules for player <player>, as requested by ticket #14
/acceptrules reset <player/all> acceptrules.reset User has to re-read and accept the rules. Use all if you want everyone to re-accept the rules

Multi-page setup

 #This is page one
- "&2Rule one"
- "&2Rule two"
- "&2Rule three"
#page two!
- "&2Rule four"
- "&2Rule five"


This plugin utilises a plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to

  • A unique identifier
  • The server's version of Java
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode
  • The plugin's version
  • The server's version
  • The OS version/name and architecture
  • The core count for the CPU
  • The number of players online
  • The Metrics version

If you wish to disable this feature (/me cries), you can do so by opt-ing out, which you can do in the config file under /plugins/bStats/


This plugin has a built-in auto-updater, which connects to BukkitDev to check for updates. If you, for some reason, wish to disable this process, you can do so by setting 'update' to false in the plugins' settings file.


You can find the changelog over at our changelog page.