



I made Aconomy because quality is important!

I think there are no real good economy plugins out there

I do know what server owners want thats what makes Aconomy the best new economy provider!

Nice intro :) ^

Downloads here

What does Aconomy do?

Aconomy provides a automatic economy

it stores and retreives balances from players and it got some nice gui elements!

Aconomy also provides cash like in a item.

Players can do transitions trough cash but keeping cash on causes it to be lost

thats why you need to think ahead and adds a cool strategy to it!

It also supports a awesome API thats upcomming for devs to use!

But how do you withdraw that cash?

well there is a command but you can also create a ATM using a sign

if you want to know more about these read on!

BTW: this also provides a autoupdater that most economys dont do!


  • Finish API
  • Add soundeffects
  • Want a feature but dont see it? request it in the forums!



commands <<< commands & permissions!

signs <<< shows all signs!

forums <<< go's to the forums!

gui << shows all gui's and how to use them!

api <<< is currently WIP


Support this project and donate!



This plugin features gravitiy's auto-updater, this feature will collect: your plugin version and the plugin versions of any newer releases of Aconomy

if you wish to disable this feature you can go into the config.yml and to autoupdater: false

the autoupdater will only download approved versions of the plugin.