AdminPlusPlus is an easy plugin, which includes much usefull commands.
In the next time there will be more basic commands.
Later, I will go in detail, then there are more functions for all the commands.
And, you can get AdminPlusPlus, in other languages, too!
So, download, put into you "plugins" folder, and enjoy!
Command | Permission | Function |
/app | | Shows you the version of AdminPlusPlus |
/pvp | adminplusplus.pvp | Turns PVP on / off |
/heal | adminplusplus.heal | Heals an feeds you. |
/kill | adminplusplus.kill | Simply kills you. |
/biome | adminplusplus.biome | Shows the name of the biome you are inside. |
/fly | | Allows you to fly / allows you not to fly. |
/boom | adminplusplus.boom | Creates an explosion at your current location |
/spawn | adminplusplus.spawn | Teleports you to the spawnpoint of your current world.. |
/setspawn | adminplusplus.setspawn | Sets the spawnpoint of your current world on your location. |
/loc | adminplusplus.loc | Shows your current world and the X, Y and Z coordinates |
/tp <player> | | Telports you to the player <player> |